June 17, 2010

Geez these finals are killing me...

I took a couple weeks hiatus from Level Up, and it's killing me. I went on a bit of vacay to the beach, before it inevitably gets covered in oils. And then finals hit. The past two weeks have been non-stop work and schooling for me. I've got one more day to go. My essay and assignments are finished, I just have to present and get to five o' clock tomorrow afternoon. But, I got some projects I really like done. I'll post up the Paranormal kit soon, but here's a pic of my first ever screen printed tee. It glows in the dark, and if you're interested, email me (braindeadbob@hotmail.com . . I know, I need to completely switch to gmail, it's just a dirty habit), and I'll let you know when I decide to make more. You know. If there's a demand.

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