July 31, 2013


Last night at sketch night, devised idea for Pulp style site; online content generator. Different comic every day by a different author/artist; one offs or story arcs; keeps content new, but each artist only has one deadline. can incorporate short films and stuff into it. need a name. something "weird tales" "amazing adventures" like. penny-dreadfuls.com is available....

July 06, 2013

Curse of the Pharaoh!

My mom expressed an interest in doing a mummy theme for halloween this year; so i mocked up her house in google sketch up, played with a lighting plugin, and created a logo.... you know, for merchandising. Awoooooo, you know brendan frasier would be ready to check out this crypt. (I realize I misspelled pharaoh on the logo... i double checked to make sure i spelled it right... and used the font with the wrong spelling....)