May 06, 2024

Decorating Time (Not "Decorating Time" )

Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time.” —Jean-Michel Basquiat

I've been taking some time to redecorate, declutter, and beginning to remove things I don't need anymore. So much stuff I hold on to, out of habit. Out of old modes of thinking. Poverty, scarcity mindset sort of stuff. It's not always a lack of wanting to get rid of it. It's not wanting to part with it sans compensation.

It feels good everytime you let go of something.  Everytime I'm reminded of it. And as the space on the walls opens up, more air breathes in.

I've always been a maximalist, in my lifestyle, arts, everything. 

I went to school for graphic design, but between you and everyone else, I'm terrible at it.

But the foundations started to click. Design is design is design.

A flyer's fundamental layout follows the same rules as interior design, or a painting, or just about any creative endeavour that espouses the importance of "golden ratios".

I always ignored the rules of design, a very amateur move I even acknowledged at the time but stubbornly kept ignoring. Don't tell me what to do. I'll figure out another way to do it. As if thousands of years of humans with the same mindset didn't try before me. (But this time it's different!)

And here I am, back to square one. Realizing what all who came before me had to return to also before realizing the folly of your ways. Over trying, going down obviously wrong paths.... Wait a minute, where was I going?

(Looks at title of blog) OH!

So as I've begun decluttering and reorganizing, I'm leaning into those design principles I fought so hard against. Turns out they're right. Balance and negative space and all that day one stuff makes sense. I just kinda had to take the long way round to see it. But whats that got to do with the title?

I always have to have music or something on in the background. If I'm sitting to watch a movie, I gotta doodle too. I put off quick projects for hours to find the right music (like how I'm putting off freelance work to jot this flow of thoughts down). 

But I've been overcluttering the fourth dimension with noise the way I was cluttering my walls with stuff. I had a friend who said she couldn't work with any music, because it would distract her and I thought it was odd. Until I tried it.

It's amazing, like I literally stopped the music I was listening to and now this blog is written, just to prove my point.

I like inspirational music, for example when working on Spook Troops, I'll put on some Scooby Doo underscoring. But I think for a while, Imma try working sans background noise and see how it turns out.

(But if that doesn't work, we can make it out of Watto's shop with some drum and bass)

June 28, 2022

Projects in the works


IBS -videos - podcast -animated

AXE+ARCANA - animated/liveplay

Concessions - animated

Zooted - podcast

Antifreeze Popsicle - podcast

Interstella - Stella

Cyber Brunch - Buck & Chanchito

Blippco has merged into a the mega A-Corp

June 15, 2022


 concept poster for a movie that you can catch at the burleson plaza magic cinema